IT Support in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

The Holistic Platform for resolving Technical and IT related issues at every Nook and Corner

Technology related problems are always there at the Peak rise. When it comes to IT Support, it is the Service that offers assistance and solutions to such Technology related problems. Moreover, it also includes Setup and Troubleshooting, and this happens via Online channels, Help Desks and Phone calls. At Al Wardah Al Rihan LLC, we realize the point that Information Technology is no longer the Sole and Whole responsibility of only the Tech sector organizations.

The fact is that with time swooning, the cult of Digitalization, the need for the In House Technical expertise has and is proving a Diring need. But, from where to get the extensive IT Support ? This is where Al Wardah Al Rihan LLC has proved itself as the Pioneers in the IT Support Services in Riyadh. Al Wardah Al Rihan LLC stands out as one of the pioneers in the IT Support Companies in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It is because you need to be “Always On” and “Always Connected” and this is the reality of the Digital world. In case, your Business does not work on the realms of Digitalization, you are ought to stagnate soon.

There are instances where the Monitoring and Maintenance cannot fine tune mandatorily with the IT Dependence. It is only because IT issues are quiet unpredictable. In fact, it leaves the organizations absolutely dislocated from it’s own Base. At such a point, the Tech based companies commence to repair the most essential Technologies and also try to remediate the resulting complications. Apart from this, the Day to Day mushrooming Dangers of the Cyber Security along with the IT vulnerability makes the Digitalized Business come to a Standpoint. This is where Al Wardah Al Rihan LLC at IT Tech Support Riyadh has emerged itself as one of the Keys.

Al Wardah Al Rihan Managed IT Support

Monitoring and Maintenance

It includes to anticipate, identify and resolve issues in the LMS before it creates the Real time impact on the User experience. The Preventive measures and incessant improvement ensures a Seamless LMS Functioning

IT Help Desk

It can be either an organizational Function, a Group, any individual or else an External Service, to whom a call is made from the IT User, in order to overcome a problem. It works majorly over Calls

Server Installation and Maintenance

Caters specifically to the Support Services for the Optimization and Repair of the Server Hardware. The Motherboards, CPUs, Hard Drives, Memory and Host Bus Adaptors are diagnosed and replaced

Data Backup and Recovery

Includes mainly to duplicate the Organization's Data to use it as a Secondary Tool when there is a Data Loss. Recovery refers to restoring any sort of Lost or Corrupted Data. Both of these preserve significant Digital Data

Cloud Solutions

It is also addressed a Cloud Computing or Cloud Services. It delivers the IT Resources on demand, however, only over the Internet. Examples include Google Cloud Services, Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services

Network Security

The phenomenon to enshield and secure Data and Network from Intrusions, Threats and Breaches. It describes Hardware and Software Solutions and Processors alongside, Rules and Configurations catering to Network Use

Computer Maintenance and Repair

Deletion of the temporary Files, defragmenting the Hard Drive and running the Virus Scans which lead to the smoothest of the Computer Running and Operations. Computer Repair fixes the issues that occur on the computer

Get A Quote

Give us a call or drop by anytime, we endeavor to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days.

Phone: +966-53-3727329


    Why Choose Us

    • Ongoing Business

      There is regular Back Up from our team, Sensitive Data Management and we also provide a Data Recovery Plan

    • Efficacious

      No worry of unexpected Bills, No Lock In Contracts and No Staff Resources, however at Minimal pricing

    • Onsite Services

      Every Service is ought to work Onsite, whether it is a troubleshooting, Anti Virus, Internet or Printer Set Up

    • Server Support

      This includes the Windows Server support, and Active Directory User Account Management and Administration Support

    • Certified Trainers

      The Technical team is updated and upgraded at every Step with the Latest Technologies, which is always required

    • Proactive

      Always ready to help and available with the desired Technical edges, which makes it Cent Percent appropriate and Useful

    • Technical Expertise

      Our Technical team holds the most upgraded cognizance of each and every Technology, which is a “Should and Must”

    • Outsourcing

      The IT Help Desk Technicians hold the expertise for IT Monitoring and Maintenance on immediate Demand and Emergency


    Our extensive Services at IT Support Riyadh is always channelized and supported by a Dexterous team of Technicians who work Round the Clock. Not only are they Certified and Skilled technicians, but also do they understand the Dynamics of the IT support (Tech) at every step. The company is one of the most Proactive when it comes to the respective domain. The exhaustive range of IT Solutions which are delivered Cent Percent and on time has made our organization one of the most distinctive and prominent in terms of the Quality IT Support which adds to the value. Beyond this, it should be realized at the Day End, that, it is always a blend of the Right Technology and the most adroit Manpower, which can prove the Trendsetters of the Information Technology Support.



    It was amazing truly to avail the Rental Services from al wardah al rihan LLC. I had rented iPads and even Laptops for an emergency Training session. Very good experience with the Technical team. They were indeed helpful.

    Abdul Rihan

    Courtesy and Professionalism is what embarks the Tagline of al wardah al rihan LLC. I rented the LED Video walls from the team. They have the extreme expertise to resolve every issue during a sudden collapse. Kudos to the team !!


    I am too impressed with the Technical team of the company. I had to rent the Touch Screen Kiosks for a recent Mass survey. They assisted me from A to Z and even helped me in case I was unable to operate. Recommendable definitely !!

    Our Partners

    AL Wardah Al Rihan IT Services

    IT Services
    An Eclectic range of Managed IT Services, IT Support and Solutions which proves the Evolution of the IT Scape Beyond Boundaries
    IT Solutions
    Caters majorly to the End to End Solutions therefore securing our Networks and Servers. The functioning happens on an Internet Protocol
    Managed IT Services
    Rendering a gamut of Wireless Facilities, been channelized on Internet and Equipments, leveraging the Operations of the Client